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Circles of volunteering, support and partnership

The project involves many good volunteers, in various forms. My deep gratitude for that.

If you volunteer and your name is dropped from the list, I apologize from the bottom of my heart and would appreciate it if you would contact me.

Volunteers and volunteers in gender mapping of streets in local authorities

Tal Ben Zvi , Givatayim; Anat Ben Shmuel , Modi'in; Avishai HaCohen , Tel Aviv-Yafo; Gadi Wexler , Intelligence; Yossi Hemo , Tel Aviv-Yafo; Tahal and Reli Katsav , Holon; Yael Klein , Tel Aviv-Yafo; Dr. Assaf Rom , Berkeley; Maya Rom , Jerusalem; Sue Sdot , Tel Aviv-Yafo; Etty Schwartz , Rehovot; Haim Shmueli , Ness Ziona

Accompanying staff

Staff members - Dr. Gal Hermet, Adv. Dana Martenbaum, Dr. Tal Nitzan and Dr. Roni Porat .

The purpose of the team - to serve as a group resource for consultation, thinking, planning, auditing, and backing for the venture, and in particular:

  • Consultation on perceptual, strategic and professional dilemmas

  • Shared thinking and support in planning directions of action

  • Audit of all types and aspects of the project and my activities in it

  • Infrastructure backing from the very existence of the team and the professional authority of the companies in it

  • Ad hoc backup in important meetings, important correspondence, etc.


Partners and partnership

Daniela Alon ; Limor Ackhouse - Volunteer Coordinator and Gender Equality Advocate, Pardes Hanna Karkur Local Council; Adv. Ilana Ben-Shoshan Goren - Adviser for the Advancement of Women, Municipality of Netanya; Michal Gera Margaliot ; Etty Duanis - Chairman of WIZO Ness Ziona; Esther Herzog ; Ruhama Weiss ; Gadi Wexler - Intelligence; Tzipi Yogev - Initiative of Street Activities Named in Ness Ziona; Naor Yerushalmi - S. Mayor of Ness Ziona; MK Naama Lazimi ; MK Gabi Lasky ; Jasmine Robin Cooper ; Dr. Hagit Shachar Freira

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The intention of the venture is not to criticize or change the past, but to purposefully and quickly change the future

Eden Fox | 054-6944644 | Eden Fuchs |

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